International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications 2004 Palazzo Ducale, Genova, Italy, 7-9 June 2004 |
about SMI | SMI&SM 04 | SMI04 programme | SMI04 topics | SMI04 Committees | dates and submissions | venue | registration | accommodation | |
the city
the sorroundings
the venue |
Shape Modeling and Applications (SMI) was launched in 1997, in Japan, with the goal to create a multi-disciplinary community concerned with computation techniques for modelling and processing digital representations of shapes and their properties. In 2001, SMI has merged with the Implict Surface Workshop and is now run as an annual event alternating between Asia, Europe and America. In 2004, SMI invites the scientific community to identify perceptually relevant aspects of shapes and to devise representations capable of capturing not only the form, but also the semantics of shape. SMI2004 will take place for the first time within the International Convention on Shapes and Solids 2004 (abbreviated SMI&SM04). The Convention will be held in Genova, European Capital of Culture in year 2004, with the aim of bringing together the two major international conferences in the modeling area: Shape Modeling International and the ACM Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications. SMI&SM04 is organized by the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Information Technology, Dept. of Genova, belonging to the Italian National Research Council (CNR), and it will host the SMI Conference on June 7-9 and the SM Symposium on June 9-11, 2004. The Conference Chairing will provide a joint coordination of common aspects of the conference (tutorial and keynotes' speakers, social events), while maintaining the distinctive aspects of both conferences which will be run separately. The SMI&SM04 Convention is chaired by Bianca Falcidieno, and Tosiyasu L. Kunii has been invited to be the Honorary Chair of the event. For further information on the Convention, please contact The SMI2004 programme is scheduled for June 7-9, 2004, and it will include full paper presentations and poster sessions. SMI2004 will feature for the first time the Best Paper Award. Tutorials and keynote lectures will also be organized in coordination with SM04 (see the Convention web site for details). The SMI2004 conference is organized in cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH, EUROGRAPHICS, and CGS. The Conference Proceedings will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press. SMI adresses all aspects of shape acquisition, navigation, retrieval and understanding. In 2004, SMI invites the scientific community to identify perceptually relevant aspects of shapes and to devise representations capable of capturing not only the form, but also the semantics of shape. Topics include but are not limited to:
SMI04 Conference co-Chairs: Jarek Rossignac and Michela Spagnuolo SMI04 Programme co-Chairs: Franca Giannini and Alexander Pasko Programme Committee
Okunev O. Yukita S. Zorin D. S. SMI Steering Committee: Bianca Falcidieno, Tosiyasu L. Kunii, Alexander Pasko, The submission schedule for SMI04 is the following:
Abstracts are requested to facilitate the review process and should be 150-300 words in length. Abstracts should be sent BY EMAIL ONLY to the following address , indicating title, authors and a list of up to 5 keywords. Full papers are expected to be 10-12 A4 pages, IEEE proceeding style (here an example), including figures and references, and should present previously unpublished original results that are not simultaneously submitted elsewhere. All papers will be peer-reviewed, by at least three reviewers. Papers accepted as full technical contributions will be presented during the plenary sessions and will appear in the conference proceedings. Full papers have to be submitted ONLY using the electronic submission system which can be found at the following address Sketches, or short communications are expected to be 4 A4 pages at most, IEEE proceedings style (see full paper style). The accepted short communications will be included in the proceedings as extended abstract and presented during poster sessions. Sketches have to be submitted ONLY using the electronic submission system at the following address After the conference, selected papers will be invited for special issues of major journals devoted to the conference results. In the past, these special issues have appeared in the International Journal on Shape Modeling, The Visual Computer and Graphical Models. For further information on submissions, please contact the Programme co-Chairs: Franca Giannini and Alexander Pasko. For information or problems regarding the electronic sumbission system, please contact The Convention on Shapes and Solids (SMI&SM2004) will be held in Genova, Italy, at the Palazzo Ducale, situated in the historical part of Genova and main ancient seat of power of the Republic of Genova and the Doge's residence. The Palazzo Ducale and the pleasant nearby Antique Harbor, will offer many of the international artistic programs to be hosted by Genova in 2004, in its role of the European Capital of the Culture. The SMI&SM04 social event will include a guided tour to the Acquarium of Genova, one of the biggest in Europe, and a dinner in the Dolphin and Shark Halls. |